I made it to Chicago yesterday with the “service engine soon” light on as my car makes its way to the 100,000 mile mark. Last night Brian McLaren spoke and this morning I heard Fredrica Matthews-Green. The speakers and the discussion that followed have been very good. The discussion is definitely for those who have been struggling with the questions for a while so for me it has been invigorating.
After listening and thinking for the past two days I am beginning to understand the frustration and anxiety that is felt by those like my anonymous friend who left me several comments about the AEF Call. Although I can’t see myself leaving the Church of the Nazarene anytime soon, I do need to take the time to think about why I have not thought about the reconciliation that would take place by returning to the Eastern Orthodox church.
Unfortunately Bob Webber was unable to attend the conference due to health issues.
I am off to hear Martin Marty’s presentation on the future of Evangelicalism so I am sure I will come back tonight with new questions.
For a more detailed look at what is happening at this important conference check out Paradoxology .


A Sinner said...

Regarding your comment:

"I do need to take the time to think about why I have not thought about the reconciliation that would take place by returning to the Eastern Orthodox church."

Who are you referring to as the one returning to Eastern Orthodoxy? You, Nazarenes, the Church of the West (Rome and all its Protestant and Evangelical offshoots)?

I wish I were there with you?

Peace, brother.

A Sinner said...

Did you check out my latest post?