threats to disunity

I thought this short writing by Richard Rohr was appropriate in light of what posted yesterday. We must become a threat to disunity by creating pockets of subversive unified communities among us. This is the gospel.

As long as we think that we alone have to save the world, we become arrogant in our methods, impatient in our attitudes and quick in our solutions. We instead must seek the patience and peace of God. The man and woman of God are content simply to lay down their lives for some little bit of unity. Wherever you are, let God create unity. I believe that’s what God’s doing on earth. I know one sister who sees her primary call as bestowing “benevolent smiles” on everybody she meets. What a threat she must be to disunity.
If Jesus is to be risen among us, we must each individually and in groups together surrender to a love and mystery that is greater than our hearts. We must humbly admit that we really don’t know much at all. We have few right answers, it seems to me, and even fewer conclusions. All we can be is what Jesus was: present and enfleshed. In the end it seems to me there’s only one gospel: Jesus incarnate, Jesus crucified, Jesus resurrected.
To be in the Church is to be willing to be a part of the rhythm and create little bits of unity wherever we can.

-Richard Rohr, The Spiritual Family and the Natural Family


James said...

Could there have been a more potent quote to share with me? Every part of that Rohr quote connects with my being, what I am struggling with
1. I "think that (I) alone have to save the world".
2. I am "arrogant in (my) methods, impatient in (my) attitudes and quick in (my) solutions.
3. I am not "seek(ing) the patience and peace of God.

The entire thing connects, but these two really kick my in the side:
"The man and woman of God are content simply to lay down their lives for some little bit of unity."

"To be in the Church is to be willing to be a part of the rhythm and create little bits of unity wherever we can."

It hurts Dave, but it feels so good

P.S. Ben (whoever you may be) I am sorry I was harsh about your anonymous commenting. I have been going through a harsh time lately, and you were one of my victims. I truly am sorry.